It slipped itself in between Christmas Day and New Year's
Eve, waved, smiled, winked and left. I gave a nod of appreciation, lifted an
imaginary glass of champagne (imaginary because
you know The Body That Got Cancer likes to keep a firm eye on its units and the
bubbles had been flowing since Christmas Eve) and took just a moment, a quiet
moment - I'm still not ready to dance on the tables - to say thank you.
With the 27th December came my second
Cancerversary. I'm superstitious. I know enough to know that we can never
dismiss the potential for secondaries or, indeed, that any of us can be
complacent about the potential for a primary cancer to form, but I'm grateful
for the relative peace and calm that my Two Year Cancerversary brings.
Last year I wrote about my first Cancerversary here. It
was a cautious celebration in a sort of raw, new girl at school kind of way:
knowing it should be fun but not quite ready to let down all my defences. This
year I feel more settled in, comfortable, that I understand the post cancer
diagnosis and treatment world into which I was plunged and most days I can cope
with it quite effortlessly, thank you.
The Fear which I wrote about here, does still haunt me
from time to time. I've had a few scares, just admirable vigilance on behalf of
the medical profession, and although my style is to busy myself so that I have
no room left to fret, the fear does nonetheless manage to settle itself in over
the top of my brain sometimes and leak into my thoughts. It's not an undue
pressure, nothing like the early days of The Wait and The Not Knowing, nothing
like the fear of recurrence when chemo finished and for a few months after, but
it's 'just there', in an annoying little tic kind of way.
So, from the position of being two years post cancer diagnosis, I would like to say to anybody who is further back on this rocky road than I am, it does get better and it gets a whole lot easier.

This year other people I know have been diagnosed with cancer,
some very young people in my online group have developed secondaries. Some
have died from them. My heart breaks a little every time. Not for me, so far I
continue to be one of the lucky ones, but because cancer is still such an enormous
thorn in the side of human health. Great strides have been made in all areas of
cancer diagnoses, cure and care but until we can take a pill to rid ourselves
of cancer before it even suggests any danger, until we have 100% accurate
diagnostic tests to take action before it dares to become a possibility, we
must keep fundraising, caring and raising awareness.
This Cancerversary, in addition to the wonders of the medical
profession that blasted the cancer cells and my family and friends who kept me
sane and continue to do so, I'd also like to thank Matthew Smith, owner of Urbane
Publications. Right from the start, when Tea And Chemo was a collection of
blog posts and an idea, Matthew determined that Urbane Publications would also give
every penny of profit to the three charities I was keen to support:The Haven in Leeds, The Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre in Harrogate and the national
charity, Breast Cancer Now.
If you are interested in buying a copy of Tea And Chemo,
your purchase will help the three charities. If you are not interested in
buying a copy of Tea And Chemo, that's ok, I need never know… but you could
still give your pennies to one of these three charities and then you wouldn't
feel half as bad :)
Meanwhile, I'm off to celebrate because it's New Year's Eve
and the new year coming, the adventures we don't yet know, now that's something
I really love to celebrate. Have a wonderful new year lovely readers, may 2016
be filled with life-affirming moments.