Back in those terrifyingly warm days in February, I asked
for your advice regarding pain remedies and what you found to work in your own
pain management.
I was cheating preparing for a talk on pain management
from the ‘customer’ angle and suspected that there was a lot I didn’t know. The
talk was to take place in March as part of the 2019 Yorkshire Cancer Research conference: Let’s Talk About Cancer.
I say, ‘was’. Alas, due – thankfully – to nothing to do with
cancer, but the return of Ménières disease which I thought I’d booted into
touch in those heady days of my thirties, I had to cancel my talk. The disease
isn’t very pleasant but isn’t life threatening and I find the unpredictably of the
attacks of vertigo and sickness it brings, as painful as the attacks themselves
because I am forced to become unreliable. I can’t commit to public events knowing
that I might be crawling along the floor, or sitting bolt upright staring at
the wall with a bowl under my chin, when an audience is waiting for me to
speak - or worse, as I'm speaking. Can you imagine!

Meanwhile, I thought the least I could do would be to cobble
together the responses you kind people had bothered to send via the blog,
FaceBook and Twitter and post them here. Some I’d forgotten about, and others
were new to me, so I hope that this might serve as useful resource if you sadly
find yourself in need of something bigger and more enduring than a paracetamol –
not that I’m dissing the lonely paracetamol, you understand, paracetamol has
saved the day for me on many occasions. I have to say this because I have this
slightly disturbing imagination which throws my mind headlong into the family
medical box and sees a box of paracetamol sombre, rejected and wondering why on
earth it bothers.
I know, it’s a worry.
Before we really start, I’d like to add a note of positivity
for anybody with the misfortune to have been recently diagnosed with Menieres disease.
It isn’t curable (although does tend to peter out, hopefully never to return) but
is often treatable. I am now on a fairly innocuous medication that hasn’t
stopped the attacks but has made them much less severe and less frequent. I’m
hoping that with continued tweaking I will have enough control over the disease
going forward to return to normal life including full attendance at public and
social gatherings 😊
And this means that I secretly hope that I will manage to
attend the next YCR conference and be able to babble on about pain management without
incident, not least because I’d already prepared the talk before I’d cancelled –
Obviously the below isn’t an exhaustive list (and please do
let me know your additions) but it is the word - summarised or as a direct
quote - from the ground, from the coal face, of making pain slightly easier to
bear. Even though there is a bias towards cancer in the responses, much will be
relevant whatever the cause of discomfort.
Acupuncture: for mental
well-being, aches and pains and hot sweats, and other complementary and alternative therapies.
anything with friends and family; colouring, crafting, reading and writing (for mild pain –
I knew it was bad when I couldn’t blot out the pain well enough to read or
write) and oh, so many other hobbies.
Endorphins: warm,
soapy baths (lots of people mentioned hot baths!); Epsom salt baths (with the added
bonus of nice, soft skin afterwards) singing and playing instruments; walking, running, swimming and other
(gentle) exercising; just being outside - preferably in the sun; dancing on the
spot to alleviate restless legs (but it also made me laugh); being active.
Heat pads and hot
compresses to soothe sore and tired limbs and muscles, can also help with
restless legs.
Infrared sauna: ‘it’s
like a sauna that you sit in, but there is no heat. You are baked in infrared
light. It heats the blood rather than the skin and improves circulation.'
Mindfulness, meditation
and other cognitive therapies.
Reflexology: for
general aches and pains and mental well-being.
Reiki: ‘as a Reiki
therapist, I’ve helped treat many people undergoing cancer treatments. On a
superficial level, it helps to calm their minds from what is such an emotional
part of their lives, but does also provide (on many occasions) pain relief as
Soft Toothbrush (!): this had to go in as my pitifully sore mouth is a strong memory of my chemo days. For the ulcers there are stronger topical medicines available on prescription so do visit your doctor, and if the idea of navigating the sores as you clean your teeth is terrifying, try a really soft toothbrush soaked first in hot water.
Soft Toothbrush (!): this had to go in as my pitifully sore mouth is a strong memory of my chemo days. For the ulcers there are stronger topical medicines available on prescription so do visit your doctor, and if the idea of navigating the sores as you clean your teeth is terrifying, try a really soft toothbrush soaked first in hot water.
Stretching: particularly
after Aqua Fit, a hot bath and general exercise.
Steroid cream: for pain in the veins. Also, please note: ‘…I
went back to good old fashioned nature - pure
aromatherapy lavender oil and hot compresses- working a treat- I'd say take
the drugs for sure but don't forget about the healing powers of nature and a
good old fashioned positive mental
One last thought on pain management.
As a daughter of a nurse, I knew that I’d have to collapse in
a heap on the floor and be unable to answer what day of the week it was before I’d
be granted a day off school sick. I think this is why I spent my early
adulthood with the box of paracetamol – there I go again – being out of date before
I opened it, and drinking my body weight in water before I’d even approach the medical
But since cancer and a few operations over the years, I've
had to retrain my psyche on this. I've had it explained that pain stresses the
body with the result that it doesn't function and thus recover as quickly as it
might if it were in less pain. I’ve decided that alongside natural boosts of our
endorphins, medicines can be our friend and some of the medications to combat
the side effects of cancer treatments can be the best buddy ever. Whatever your
strategy: medicine, holistic, alternative or a combination, be kind to yourself
and use it! Life is too short to stoically suffer in silence...
I wish you a happy and pain-free or pain-eased week 😙