Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Misplaced Orcas and Worrying Bears

I was back with the so very lovely three presenters, Sue, Tina and June on their Girls Around Town show on Radio Newark last Sunday. We were talking Glass Houses - in theory - but we managed to start with silky soft voices which can't be raised, close encounters with stray orcas in Canada, aka killer whales, and beautiful bears foraging in barren undergrowth with their families which, although incredibly fascinating and the babies so gorgeously cute, were quite heart-breaking in their efforts to find an alternative to the salmon stock depleted by the 'wrong' type of farming. 

And then we went for coffee and cakes, OK, scones. But scones from Strays Coffee Shop in Newark which are very good indeed.

No, it is work, honestly...

With grateful thanks to Raymond Ip
for the photographs.
If you'd like to know what we did when the orcas got a little close, you can listen to the podcast here

And I do talk about Glass Houses and my Work In Progress: In The Taxi, or rather, what happened that windy night in Birmingham in November 2013...

If you'd like to find out more about the threats to survival of ocean salmon and the knock-on effect for the environment, it's explained well here.


  1. Wow Jackie! What a brilliant show that was on Radio Newark and how depressing about the Salmon and our world basically!

    1. Awww thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show but yes, those salmon, it's really worrying. And it's not always that easy to see if you're buying 'kind' salmon or not... am trying to, though. Thanks for reading!


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