In my last post I talked about those well-meaning throwaway
comments made to people with cancer which might have less than the desired
effect. I found it a tricky post to write as uppermost in my mind was the fact
that nobody wishes to offend and everybody means to say the right thing. With
one man's compliment being another women's slap in the face, it's a minefield
for those without privileged entry into a cancer sufferer's chaotic mind. Nonetheless,
I hope the post was useful. Your responses were, as ever, thoughtful and touching.
I'm happy to say that I'm back in my comfort zone with this post. It was inspired by the lovely Chriss Green, prolific sharer of my blog for which I'm supremely grateful, who suggested I list things people have said which hit a good spot.
I started scribbling immediately but quickly realised that
it was the things people had DONE rather than those they'd said, which stuck more
in my mind. So, instead of words, I've listed some of the bountiful gifts and good-deeds
people have bestowed upon me over the past ten months. This isn't a definitive list
of how to empty your money box or eat up your already hard-pressed time when
you find out someone close to you is suffering, and it won't be for everyone,
but I hope my experience might offer a few nuggets of usefulness.
And at least I get the chance to say thank you :)
Meals on Wheels
People would ask me to let them know what help I needed. They truly wanted
to help - but it feels wrong to ask somebody with a job, various children, a
dog, family taxi service and clean toilets to provide, to run around for me
when I'm confined to the sofa.
This doesn't mean that help wasn’t gratefully received - even
getting dressed was a bit of an effort on my worst treatment days - and
so to open my door on several mornings to find a meal for four requiring only
a re-heat and transportation to the table, was wonderful. My Meals on Wheels
deliveries made me smile and I'd just like to say a public thank you here, as
well as an apology for not always returning the Tupperware in a timely fashion.
Picking my
children up from clubs and feeding them
Thank you.
Thank you.
Picking me up from home and taking me for a coffee
(and appointments) Thank you.
With special thanks to the Marks and Spencer Dine-in initiative.
With special thanks to the Marks and Spencer Dine-in initiative.
Bags of healthy
food, home-made chocolate brownies, cakes and bought cakes (I'm not choosy)
Thank you.
Loans of DVDs and books
Again, thank you.
Again, thank you.
Personally, I'm not a great fan of speaking on the phone. I blame my
poor hearing which makes the process excruciatingly painful for all parties
involved. But I had some sleepless nights and painful days through chemo and
receiving texts out of the blue saying simply that I was in people's thoughts, was
a great tonic. With my treatment induced lethargy however, responding could take
chunks out of my day so I hope you'll accept my apology for the tardy replies.
As above. I have kept them all :)
This may sound terribly materialistic but to know that someone is
thinking of you when they go shopping (and I know that often presents came
after much research and probing of shop staff's knowledge) touched my heart.
Most practical gift?
There were so many! Warm items of clothing went down well – I wore my fluffy
pink angora wool socks constantly as well as my Bamboo Chic Lite cardigan. It
isn't particularly that treatments make you cold, it's just that our house is
Baltic if you aren't running up and down the stairs every second minute.
Most used item?
Probably my Anastasia Beverly Hills eyebrow kit. People expressed their delight
that I'd held onto my eyebrows – I hadn't ;) Luxury hand and body creams were also a great buy as cancer treatments really dry out the skin. I was lucky
enough to be given lots of luscious products I wouldn't normally afford which I'm
still using now.

Home visits?
I learnt something about myself during chemo: I don't like to see
people when I'm ill. I prefer to lick my wounds on my own, cushioned by my home,
cancelled appointments and my texting fingers for when things are improving. And
then when I'm recovered, that's when I like to see people. Of course, one
person's nightmare is another's delight so it's probably worth asking the question.
Showing you know
Everybody wants the cancer to be treated and consigned to the past post
haste. Having treatments behind you is wonderful but the fear that the cancer
will return is massive. I've needed my friends and family more mentally post
treatment than during it. While you're to-ing and fro-ing to hospital for the
potpourri of chemicals and radiation assigned to you, you're invincible. The
brilliance of modern science and your medical team are all over this little cancer
blighter. Pah! Those piffling little cancer cells wouldn't have a chance
against drugs which make your hair fall out and turn your bones to putty.
But when
treatment ends and it's you, your body and a measly little tablet fighting the good
fight, staying mentally strong enough to banish the fear to the back of your
mind can be tough -particularly when every drug-induced side-effect or contact
with bugs with a weakened immune system feels incontrovertibly like the return
of cancer. Those of us who have beaten cancer or who are in remission are the
lucky ones and I never forget that but sometimes the dark thoughts can be
over-powering and it's easy to feel a little alone at this post-treatment time.
We're all so busy and I personally find that as soon as one
person I know edges out of a crisis situation, another moves in. But showing you know doesn't have to be
time-consuming. A word or a hug to remind your friend that you know
the shadow of cancer is still pretty overwhelming, or that the side-effects of
drugs can be depressing, might be all your friend needs to help them get on
with the business of living.
Anyone who's had a baby will know that when your new-born is tiny and
cute and sleeping a lot, everybody comes to visit. Then the visits stop and
you're left with the magnitude of looking after this new little person who is sleeping
less, feeding more and making more washing. Right now is when you could really
do with someone holding the baby while you put the tea on.
Cancer is a little bit like that. Lots of people visit at
the beginning and it's a very human, touching reaction. But if you're well before
treatment starts, this period can be very busy. The same pending-birth-nesting
need kicks in and suddenly having clean bed linen, every item of school uniform
washed and neatly pressed, full cupboards, full freezer and a sparkling toilet in
place before your operation, becomes monumentally important. And then there's
the children's schedule to organise for the three weeks post op when you won't
be driving - the cancer will not make
them miss out on any of their activities mantra beating inside your head - supper
to arrange because you won't be entertaining for a while and work to finish for
previously made deadlines set smack in the middle of a dose of morphine.
So, I'd like to suggest you take the pressure off yourself. Visits
are lovely but don’t feel guilty if you can't rush around the moment you find
out – sending a message and arranging to meet once your friend is out of
hospital might actually be more relaxing and helpful for both.
So, that's my list. Can you add any top tips? I love to read your comments.
By the way, did I say thank you enough?? This wouldn't have been a year I'd have chosen but nonetheless, I look back upon it with a smile. I've seen lots more of my friends and family than I normally would and who could possibly complain about that?
So, that's my list. Can you add any top tips? I love to read your comments.
By the way, did I say thank you enough?? This wouldn't have been a year I'd have chosen but nonetheless, I look back upon it with a smile. I've seen lots more of my friends and family than I normally would and who could possibly complain about that?